Homemade tortillas are delicious and uncomplicated with the aid of an easy homemade flour tortillas recipe. Flour tortillas are simple to make--there is no need for a flour tortillas machine. To make homemade flour tortillas, take two cups of flour, one tablespoon of dried milk (depending on personal preference) and one teaspoon of salt. Next add two cut tablespoons of butter or solidified fat and one third cup of warm milk or water. Knead the dough and then slice it into eight balls that will be rolled out and fried in a wide pan at a low to moderate temperature. Warming shell tortillas that you have previously made is simple with a low temperature oven setting and an oven pan. To prevent tortillas from sticking together when you are reheating them in the oven, dust a bit of flour in between each layer. Although making flour tortillas is more intensive than using a machine, tortillas made by using a flour tortillas recipe are splendidly fresh tortillas! Using a flour tortilla recipe (similar to any Mexican tortillas recipe) will allow you to take baby steps into other Mexican food recipes, such as a chicken tortillas recipe, a whole wheat tortillas recipe, flour rice tortillas, and eventually to make black tortillas. Making tortillas and making corn tortillas can be fun for the whole family. To make homemade flour tortillas to make corn tortillas is to partake in the joy of traditional Mexican food and, what's more, of authentic Mexican food.